Gnats Spiritual Meaning

Ah, the idyllic days of summer. You’re just relaxing with a drink and reading your phone. When suddenly, gnats swarm you seemingly out of nowhere. They’re all over your phone screen. And, there’s even a couple right in your fresh refreshing, ice cold drink. Yuck! An encounter with gnats can be incredibly frustrating. Try as you might, it seems impossible to kill them at times. And if you are successful, then another one seems to suddenly appear to take its place! It’s only natural to wonder, why won’t these tiny flies leave me alone? What is the spiritual meaning of gnats?!

Well, rest assured you have come to the right place. It’s pretty common to be irritated by gnats when the weather is nice. People associate them with dirty, damp environments and rotten food. But, sometimes this is not always the case. At times, these gnats can appear seemingly out of the blue. It’s easy to drive yourself crazy trying to find the source of them only to end up more frustrated than you were before!

Whenever we encounter gnats and they grab our attention, it’s vital to pay attention to the spiritual meaning of gnats. And, there’s actually quite a lot of symbolism behind the gnat. It can be a powerful reminder to let the small things go in life. Why let something so small that you can barely see it ruin your day? Of course, this can apply to broader topics in your life. Are you spending too much time and energy focusing on the negative things? But, the spiritual meaning of gnats can surprisingly go even deeper. So, let’s get into it!

What’s The Deal With Gnats?

But, first things first, it’s important to know a little bit about gnats! There’s a lot of flying bugs that people commonly call gnats, rice flies, or even midges. Some are actually fruit flies! But, generally fungus gnats are what we know as gnats. They are small, swarm, and they do not bite! In fact, gnats are pretty much harmless to humans. Well, physically at least. They don’t spread diseases, but they can destroy root systems of your houseplants if not dealt with inside your home.

This is an important spiritual message to remember when it comes to gnats! While their damage is mostly mental, since you may find it irritating when they swarm near your eyes or land in your drink. Still, they are harmless. But, if you do not deal with or face up to the spiritual lesson you are meant to acknowledge, your foundations in life may suffer. In other words, the roots in your life might suffer some damage. So, take some time to fully understand the spiritual meaning of gnats. Try to look at why the gnat irritates you so much and how you can shift your perspective to be more equipped at dealing with inconveniences overall in life.

Positive Spiritual Meanings of Gnats

While gnats can be bothersome, encountering them isn’t all bad! Many believe that like flies, gnats represent transformation and quick changes in life. This can be great if you’re feeling stuck in your current life. After all, gnats can seemingly change directions pretty quickly. Make sure to apply this to your own life! If you’re heading in a direction you’re not happy with, feel free to change your course towards more greener pastures.

Gnats sometimes appear when a home has been left vacant for a while. For example, they’re very common to find when returning home after a long vacation. Their sudden appearance can represent the ending of stagnant energy, and a fresh new beginning coming in. Very commonly, they can show up during periods of transformation. Make sure you are transforming into something you want to be!

Another thing to notice about the gnats is persistence. Despite constantly shooing them away, they seem almost determined to land in your freshly made food. They can be a reminder that you must be persistent if you want to achieve your goals. Gnats also represent surviving at all costs and overcoming all odds. Great advice for when you are following your dreams!

Gnats almost look like little bits of sparkling magic in the right light.
Are you viewing things from a negative or positive perspective in life?

Negative Spiritual Meanings of Gnats

At times, an encounter with gnats can have rather negative meanings. This usually comes up when we have allowed a situation to make us feel powerless. The gnats while small and harmless can seem overwhelming when bombarding us with their presence. Make sure that you are mindful of where you give your power away in life. Do not allow something small and trivial to dominate your thoughts and life. While you are not always in control of what happens in your life, you are in control of how you allow it to make you feel. Try to set aside some time to be more mindful of your thoughts. Or, even meditate!

Also, gnats can represent the need to move past uncontrollable factors in your life. This can often appear as religion, culture, or background. Other times, it can be a family dynamic or work environment. If you are feeling stagnant in your current surroundings, don’t allow these minor irritants to control your entire life.

If you are looking for a sign that it might be time to move on from toxic things in your life, gnats are pretty strong one. After all, sometimes you can get away from gnats simply by moving location. Remember, you are not a tree! You are not stuck in one place firmly planted in the ground for the rest of your life. While you have metaphorical roots, you still have the ability to move whenever you like. Follow your intuition if you are being guided to change your surroundings, however that looks for you.

Why Do I Keep Seeing Gnats Everywhere?

Does it seem like you can’t escape gnats no matter what you do? Whether you’re outside, in the house, at work, or even in the car? I’ve actually had this happen to me when I moved locations one autumn. I couldn’t escape the gnats even on a car trip that was a few hours long! So, what’s the spiritual meaning of gnats that just won’t seem to go away?

Well, gnats are definitely persistent. But, in these cases where the persistence seems to be almost surreal, it’s definitely a message you’re meant to understand. Gnats have a connection with transformation and are a reminder to stay focused on your goals and dreams. So, if you are going through a lot of change, just as I was during my move, then just know that you are on the right path and everything is working out for you. Even if you encounter bumps along the journey, everything will work out as it’s meant to in divine timing. So, try to relax and enjoy the current moment in life despite the minor setbacks you may encounter. Like a few gnats flying around your face!

Spiritual Advice When Encountering Gnats

As far as practical advice to get rid of gnats, it’s simple! If you’re seeing them inside, tidy your home and keep things dry. If they’re in your plants, try to use a little hydrogen peroxide to get rid of them. And, if you’re seeing them outside, maybe move locations or invest in that screened in porch you’ve been talking about for a while now. But, as far as spiritual advice, it can be more complex. Of course, you’re probably aware of this. That’s why you’re reading a spiritual meaning of gnats article and not an exterminator’s website.

If you notice in not only trying to find the source of the gnats, but also in killing them and having another one appear, our actions seem almost futile. And, because of this the gnat asks us to be mindful of where we give our attention. Often gnats appear when we feel overwhelmed by factors we think we can’t control in life. Usually these are minor and not worth obsessing or dwelling on. Gnats often go away when the seasons change. What temporary issues are you spending too much time focusing on in your life? Remember to go with the energetic flow of your life.

Also, when gnats appear, we are asked to face problems we might be otherwise avoiding. For example, is there is a message you want to send to someone but feel incapable of doing so? Then, you are being asked to find the strength to do so. Gnats show up when we need to clear the air. So, speak up for yourself. Communicate your truth!

gnats spiritual meaning outside
Gnats are so tiny, but can become a big problem if you let them!

Dream Meaning of Gnats

Often times, dreaming of an annoying swarm of gnats or fruit flies in a dream can represent the need to pay attention to where you spend your energy. This can represent sometimes negative actions of people around you that you must face up to. Even if you want to ignore it like we all try to do with gnats, your subconscious is warning you that eventually you will reach your breaking point if you don’t learn to adjust or confront. It is easier to try to get rid of a problem like gnats in the start before you reach your breaking point and want to throw something at your television one night that is covered in them!

Gnats can also show up in dreams during periods of intense transformation and growth. They are great omens that you are capable of overcoming any obstacles in your way during this time. Pay attention to how you felt when you had a dream of this encounter. If you felt overall positive and surprised, or if the gnats were feeding off a piece of fruit, it can represent abundance flowing quickly and unexpectedly into your life!

If you dreamed of eating or swallowing gnats, it can mean that any perceived obstacles in your way will easily be overcome. After all, swallowing a gnat is barely noticeable. It’s the mental hurdle and anxiety surrounding it that’s the most difficult part.

Gnats and Witchcraft or Negative Entities

Another less commonly discussed association with gnats, fruit flies, midges, or any swarm of tiny insects is witchcraft and possible associations with negative entities. Please keep in mind, this is very, very rare. If you are encountering invasions in your home and are at your wit’s end to their source, you might want to at least consider alternative sources such at these.

Generally, gnats aren’t associated with workings from most commonly known practitioners of Wicca or modern day witchcraft. This is usually seen in darker, more intense spell work or in conjuring of negative entities. They will often appear with no explainable source along with other factors like bad luck, nightmares, arguments, and general negativity surrounding life in general. If you believe this is the source of your infestation, you might want to talk to a trusted spiritual worker in your preferred religion, online group, or spiritual community on how to deal with it.

Further Reading