Secrets of the Celtic Triple Spiral Goddess: Mother, Maiden, Crone

Imagine misty Celtic hills, a spot where the wind has worn away the dirt to reveal the ancient bedrock. Carved into that bedrock is a captivating swirl of three intertwined arms, delicate and alluring, the symbol hints at the secrets of the divine feminine. This symbol is the triple spiral (aka the Triskelion, or the Triskeles), an emblem etched in rock and stone across the world. Complementary examples of such symbols can be found in the carvings of the Minoans, in Japan’s hidari-mitsudomoe symbol, and across the massive continent of Africa. But in the context of Ireland’s Celtic past, this symbol’s meaning intertwines with the fiery chariot of Brigid, the goddess who spins the threads of creation: life, death, and endless rebirth.

Ready to unlock the mysteries of the Celtic Triple Spiral Goddess? In this article, we will break down the meaning of the tripe spiral symbol and, perhaps, we can help awaken your connection to its meaning.

The Three Aspects of the Goddess

The triple spiral’s interconnected and twisting design depicts the endless cycle of life. Three strands spin out from a conjoined center—altogether, these three strands represent a concept of three aspects of the divine feminine. Each separate arm is of the one, a unified goddess, and ultimately and persistently non-linear.

Those three aspects, each represented by a strand, are, first, the maiden, second, the mother, and third, the crone. In the sections below we outline each aspect of the Celtic triple spiral goddess.

The Maiden

the maiden is associated with spring

Firstly, the Maiden phase bursts forth. She, the maiden, has spring’s essence clinging to her hair and brightening her skin. Creativity dances in the maiden’s bright eyes; she is wildfire manifesting vibrant dreams into reality. Brigid, is untamed in her maiden form, a spark that ignites the inspiration and potential, guiding us on the dawning path of new beginnings.


  • Youth: Freshness, new beginnings, untamed potential.
  • Spring: Renewal, growth, vibrant energy.
  • Creativity: Spark of imagination, dreams taking flight, artistic expression.
  • Dawn: First light, hope, awakening.


  • Bold and adventurous: Embraces the unknown, takes risks.
  • Independent and free-spirited: Follows her own path, defies expectations.
  • Playful and curious: Explores the world with wonder and joy.
  • Compassionate and nurturing: Offers kindness and support to others.

Examples in Celtic myth:

  • Brigid: Goddess of fire, poetry, healing, and crafts.
  • Blodeuwedd: Beautiful woman created from flowers, symbolizing new life.
  • Aife: Warrior queen known for her courage and leadership.

The Mother

the mother is associated with summer

The second of three phases is the Mother. Above all else, the Mother aspect represents an earthy embrace, protecting us all. The mother’s hands are imbued with nature’s limitless abundance. Additionally, she operates and embodies growing wisdom, seasoned by time as the maiden passed into motherhood. A river of nurturing energy flows from the Mother’s loving heart. Her kindness intends to mend the hurt and coax, from nothingness, life itself into the world. Overall, the other emblemizes growth and renewal, divinity in nature, and the sun and moon’s cyclical pattern.


  • Earth: Abundance, fertility, groundedness.
  • Nurturing: Caring, protection, sustenance.
  • Cycles: Rebirth, transformation, gaining of wisdom.
  • Water: Emotional depth, flowing, swelling, and empowering.


  • Strong resilience: Weathers storms, offering support and stability.
  • Generous compassion: Provides for others, helping them grow.
  • Resourceful: Makes the most of her means, upholding her domain.
  • Wise: Offers guidance and understanding, free of judgement.

Examples in Celtic myth:

  • Danu: Mother goddess, source of all life and abundance.
  • Cerridwen: Powerful sorceress and mother of the bard Taliesin, known for her nurturing magic.
  • Ériu: Personification of Ireland, embodying the land’s bounty and protective spirit.

The Crone

the crone represents wintertime fall autumn

The final of the three phases is the Crone. She emerges in the night, cloaked in the moon’s silvery light, bearing secrets. Her eyes, old and wise, pierce the veil—and in the breaking of that veil, she comes through to offer us divine and immaculate advice. Transformation’s destructive furnace burns within the belly of the crone. She harbors a fire where old forms burn away and new ones rise in their place.


  • Night: Mystery, transformation, hidden wisdom.
  • Moon: Intuition, cycles of death and rebirth, secrets revealed in darkness.
  • Transformation: Ending of old forms, alchemical fire, renewal through ashes.
  • Wildness: Untamed power, connection to the unseen, raw magic.


  • Wise From Age: Holds the secrets of time and countless cycles.
  • Fearless: Embraces death and the shadows, challenges power structures.
  • Transformative: Induces and guides change, enables the release of what is no longer of use.
  • Understanding: Offers solace, without judgement, guiding us through dark and difficult times.

Examples in Celtic myth:

  • Morrigan: Goddess of war, death, and transformation, often depicted as a powerful crone.
  • Badb: Raven goddess associated with death and prophecy, guiding souls on their final journey.
  • Cailleach Bheur: Crone associated with winter and renewal, holding the keys to cyclical transformation.

All Three Aspects As One

Remember, these are three aspects of one entity, and are not separate at all. Together, all three aspects become whole in representing the divine feminine. Therefore, the so-called triple goddess is, in actuality, simply One—a melding of all three aspects. So, through her three aspects, she offers us a complete picture of strength, and the promise of unending renewal. Not only that, through her three forms, we find sympathetic traits with which to identify and take inspiration from. So, by dedicating ourselves to each of her three faces, we can, perhaps, begin to understand truths previous locked in our souls—that is, we too can embody the essence of the triple spiral symbol.

The Three Spirals And Their Intertwined Meaning

The triple spiral, each arm distinct but of the whole, naturally conveys the meaning and symbolism of the goddess’s three forms.

The Three Forms Are One

The first of the three curled prongs represents the maiden’s; her fiery helix spirals outward, igniting the spark of creation, a supernova of ideas bursting into the void. As such, the first of the three spirals represents the essence of creativity in all its youthful exuberance.

triple spiral goddess The Three Forms Are One

Next, we have the mother’s strand, coiling around us in a verdant embrace, cradling like a mother while, in contradiction, expanding like the abundant universe itself. The mother is nurturing and structuring, holding the elements of life together with love and wisdom in alignment. Therefore, the second of the three spirals stands for expansion, i.e. coming into one’s own.

Last, but absolutely not least, we have the third arm, that of the crone. Her swirling coil is moonlit and strong, coiling inwards, while teaching wisely of introspection and destruction. This arm of the triple spiral represents the completing of the cycle, an inevitable consumption of what was to bring forth, with joy, what will be. So, arm three of the triple spiral represents completion ahead of rebirth.

Embodying The Trio and The One

And so, we now know that the triple spiral, and its corresponding goddess, represents creation, expansion, and completion. It’s something that, obviously, represents the complete life cycle, but it’s also a concept that can be applied to many things—periods of our lives, for example, and the relationships, jobs, and experiences that begin, expand, and will come to completion.

Remember, the triple spiral’s not meant to be seen as a static drawing, a simple and still symbol—it’s in motion. That is, the swirls aren’t just decoration, they’re the dynamic elements of the triple goddess, each strand leads into the next. Imagine the maiden’s fire fueling mother’s growth, while the crone’s wisdom tempers the maiden’s spark. It’s a whole made of all three—a kaleidoscope of possibilities where you can embrace any shade, any blend, any moment in the ever-turning cycle. You can embody any facet of the triple spiral at any time in your life.

Conclusion: Forget fixed roles. Embrace the fluidity.

The triple spiral goddess isn’t three separate parts, but a single, ever-turning dance. You’re not confined to maiden, mother, or crone. You hold all three, in ever-shifting shades. Ignite the spark, nurture the growth, welcome the transformation. The spiral sings within you, waiting for your solo.

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