Crown Chakra Guide

Have you been wanting to learn more about the crown chakra? Maybe you want to feel more connected to the divine. Well, prepare to be enlightened. The crown chakra is the seventh chakra located at the top of the head. Just as the root chakra connects us to the earth, the crown chakra connects us to the infinite of the universe. The word sahasrara translates to “thousand petals.” The crown chakra allows us to experience peaceful oneness with the energy of everything in the universe. It transcends the ego and reminds us that we are interconnected with everything that surrounds us. Therefore, it is the meeting point between the infinite and the finite. An affirmation we can associate with the crown chakra is, “I am enlightened.”

When we have proper balance in the crown chakra we experience bliss and joy in all areas of life. Our days feel fulfilled and we feel pleasure every day in being alive. We can easily access our inner wisdom and feel a sense of serenity and peace in being connected with our place in the universe.

Imbalances of the Crown Chakra

Please consult a medical professional if you are struggling with physical or mental ailments. However, when the crown chakra has imbalances you might experience some of the following symptoms:

  • Lack of empathy
  • Existential crisis
  • Trouble sleeping, insomnia, or nightmares
  • Loneliness
  • Greed and materialism
  • Chronic fatigue and lack of energy
  • Feeling of alienation
  • Closed-mindedness
  • Apathy
  • Sensitivity to sound or light
  • Boredom
  • Headaches or migraines
  • Feeling disconnection from the body
  • Excessive ego

How to Balance the Crown Chakra

Meditation and the crown chakra

The absolute most important step you can take in balancing the crown chakra is to meditate! Certainly, there are multiple different ways to meditate. So, it might be necessary to keep researching until you find the one that works best for you. Once you have mastered meditation, you will find it easier to observe your thoughts. When we are conscious of our thoughts, we realize we are more than just the things we think about. Therefore, it allows us to detach from any negative or limiting thoughts we might have and become more at peace with ourselves.

What Foods Balance and Heal the Crown Chakra? What About Essential Oils?

Since the crown chakra is connected more with the divine than the physical, there isn’t a list of crown chakra foods. So, fasting would be considered a way to connect with the crown chakra. Also, there are a variety of teas on the market that help to balance the crown chakra.

By Harsha K R from Bangalore, India
Making Sandalwood
Uploaded by Sreejithk2000, CC BY-SA 2.0,

Essential oils said to help balance the crown chakra are jasmine, lavender, frankincense, sandalwood, rose, lotus, palo santo, and Angelica. Therefore, these are especially wonderful to put in a diffuser or burn incense while meditating. It helps aid in the process of connecting with the divine.

What Meditation or Exercises Can I Do to Balance the Crown Chakra?

Try this quick and easy meditation to help balance the crown chakra. Firstly, focus on the top of your head and set the intention on balancing the crown chakra. Visualize a thousand-petalled lotus slowly opening to reveal an intense violet or white light. Then, imagine this light flowing through your body and all other chakras connecting you to the divine source of the universe. Observe any thoughts you have while connected to this oneness.

Yoga poses that are said to help open the crown chakra are the supported headstand, half lotus pose, corpse pose, plow, and the tree pose. If you are not familiar with these poses, search on Youtube for how to perform them properly.

Helpful Colors and Gems

By Wouter Hagens – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Colors associated with the crown chakra are violet or white. Crystals such as amethyst, selenite, howlite, moonstone, labradorite, and quartz are wonderful to help keep the crown chakra balanced. So, try to carry these gems with you during the day to help. Or, to help you more easily connect to the divine, keep them near you while meditating.

Can Music Help?

The chant connected to the crown chakra is AH or AHM. Also, silence is a great way to balance the crown chakra. We must listen and feel the divine and it helps to shut out the physical. The Solfeggio frequency that helps balance this chakra is 963 Hz.

What Affirmations Help Balance the Crown Chakra?

  • “I am complete.”
  • “I am an extension of the universe.”
  • “Peace comes easily to me.”
  • “I am open to divine wisdom.”
  • “I am here to make a difference.”
  • “The deeper truth is easy for me to see.”
  • “I see the divine light in everyone.”
  • “I am whole and balanced.”
  • “It is safe for me to belong where I am.”
  • “I am one with everything.”
  • “I am intelligent and aware.”
  • “The divine is always within me and around me.”

What Else Can I Do To Balance The Crown Chakra?

Exploring your spirituality is one of the best ways to help strengthen and balance the crown chakra. Therefore, it doesn’t matter what form of practice you choose, spending time meditating, doing yoga, or learning tarot. Anything that connects you with the spiritual side helps open the crown chakra. So, create a daily ritual that feels right for you.

In conclusion, it may seem a bit overwhelming to know where to start when it comes to keeping the chakras opened and balanced. The best advice above all else is to always follow your instinct and intuition. So, take things at your own pace and have fun with it. For instance, just simply wearing a piece of chakra colored jewelry and being mindful about each chakra goes a very long way towards maintaining balance and keeping energy flowing. Experiment with different methods until you find what works best for you.

Learn About The Other Chakras

Further Reading